About Green Africa

RoRo Eco Maritime Ltd is a fully owned and registered Ghanaian business which seeks to lead the transition to using renewable energy for leisure, water transport and more sustainable economic ventures in the maritime industry across Ghana and Africa.

This we seek to do through the promotion of innovative and sustainable high performance solar powered electric boats, floating water parks and other accessories that minimize environmental pollution without compromising on the ultimate recreational and economic benefits for users.

Our products and services focus on enabling improved livelihoods and sustained healthier lifestyle for resort business owners, water transport owners and users, and coastline dwellers to provide alternative livelihoods aside fishing. Ultimately, RoRo ensures to contributing to a cleaner, healthier planet for future generations.

We leverage on strategic partnerships to introduce into Africa key competitive water sporting events that can provide jobs and aspirations as well as package indigenous African water sports/culture onto the world stage. Hence using water sports to improve livelihoods of the coastal/riverside dwellers.

We partner with industry experts and businesses who seek to improve the African narrative with their products and services for Green Africa.

With our step-by-step approach and inherent desire of “Relevant Possibilities” RoRo Eco Maritime Ltd is putting Africa at the centre of a Green World.


Climate change affects all of us. We hold it as a responsibility to do our best in ensuring life sustainability by protecting the environment. Water is a key element to our survival hence RORO ECO MARITIME LTD pledge to use its business to champion a GREEN MARINE INDUSTRY FOR AFRICA and beyond.